Ariane 6 arrives at the launcher assembly building
The two central stages for Ariane 6’s first flight are being assembled in the launcher assembly building (BAL) at Europe’s Spaceport. The core stage and the upper stage for Europe’s new rocket Ariane 6 are set to fly in the Summer of 2024. Once assembled, the stages will be transferred to the launch pad.
On the launch pad, the two stages will be raised into their vertical launch position inside the mobile assembly building. Here the two boosters for Ariane 6’s first flight will be added and then the payloads will be placed on top and be covered by the fairing – Ariane 6’s nose cone that splits vertically in two.
The stages arrived at Europe’s Spaceport on novel hybrid sail ship Canopée on 21 February after a two-week transatlantic crossing from mainland Europe.
Ariane 6 is an all-new design, created to succeed Ariane 5 as Europe’s heavy-lift launch system. With Ariane 6’s upper stage restart capability, Europe’s launch capability will be tailored to the needs of multiple payload missions, for example to orbit satellite constellations. This autonomous capability to reach Earth orbit and deep space supports Europe’s navigation, Earth observation, scientific and security programmes. Ongoing development of Europe’s space transportation capabilities is made possible by the sustained dedication of thousands of talented people working in ESA’s 22 Member States.
Credits: ESA/CNES/Arianespace/Arianegroup
#ESA #Rocket #Ariane6
When will the Ariane 6 rocket be launched into space? I ready to watch 1st Ariane 6 launch.
Yo yo


Esa god speed
Thank you ESA!

Ariane 6. – return to flight……………………..for the czech flag on esa rockets
ESA should develop its own human-rated spacecraft. Such a project is well within its engineering capabilities; just keep the British out of it.
Bona chance.

this is so coool!!!
Now imagine this not being a throw-away rocket that has no market. Still excited to see it fly, but damnit, this isn't the 90s anymore.

What's the yellow box on the engineers helmet ?
Hello ESA,

thank you