Ariane 6 Upper Stage Test bench
Rocket engines for Ariane 6 are being tested and qualified at the German Aerospace Center in Lampoldshausen, Germany.
Several of the facilities on site have been modified for Ariane 6 and a new facility will soon test the launcherโs complete upper stage, simulating as far as possible the conditions it will experience in flight. With testing and development at full pace, Ariane 6 is taking shape for its maiden voyage.
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non reusable…
Does it land back on the pad or drone ship? ))
The ARIAN looks awesome by ESA crafting skill
Good luck you guys.
I am really excited to see the Ariane 6 soaring the skies!, I understand that that it may not be reusable as the Ariane 6 has been developed quite recently, it would be awesome to see if you ESA come up with some reusability ideas in the future!, but for now I wait impatiently for the Ariane 6!
I am looking into making my studies to satellite instrumentation and rocket engineering, right now I am studying physics. It's shame that I am not an European citizen or not old enough, I die for working into such a wonderful place!
what's the mission? Mostly GTO launches for commercial satellites?
stop throwing good money after bad, bring private competition to European space and move mankind forward.
Why is it not reusable? Weak?
A new intro jingle is needed. Use the outro jingle from 03:58 in the beginning too. That old guitar and elevator muzak in the beginning from 00:00 to 00:04 is not sounding good. The videos are great.
Now get together with Lockheed and get the X33 off the ground! ^^)
Or get a Sabre rocket-air breathing hybrid powered reusable machine sorted. Hurry up, future is waiting! :oD
Tight schedule indeed, Ariane 6 has had a truly unfortunate timing. Too late to be a proper successor for Ariane 5, too early to realize that global launch market has been irrevocably overturned. Half the cost of Ariane 5 is going to be poor competition to next generation of upcoming launchers. It would have been spectacular 5 years earlier, but now… it better fly in 2020 or it'll end up a very short lived launcher indeed. That's how it'll go anyway, it's not going to fly for 25 years like Ariane 5, but if it flies next year at least some life will be gotten out of it. In any case, already before it has flown, it's time to start thinking about what next.
Looks GREAT!