Battle of Nordlingen, 1634
How did Sweden️’s domination in Germany end?
Thirty Years’ War
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The Battle of Nördlingen (1634) was a crushing victory for the Habsburgs in the Thirty Years’ War. It ended Swedish domination in southern Germany, and it led France to become an active participant in the war.
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Big thanks to HistoryVerse for their collaboration on this video:
Narrated by David McCallion
• The Battle of Nördlingen 1634: The Bloody Fight Between Tercios and Brigades (Century of the Soldier), by Alberto Raúl Esteban Ribas (2021)
• Battles of the Thirty Years War: From White Mountain to Nordlingen, 1618-1635 (Contributions in Military Studies Book 213), by William P. Guthrie (2001)
#sweden #germany #history
Interesting to see just how complicated the whole situation was.
Catholic France becoming the main protector of the protestant german princes…
SubhanAllah! Alhamdulillah! La Ilaha IllAllah! Allahu Akbar!
Great video. We finally get to see some spanish tercios action.
Se ele tivesse tomado todas as partes elevador ou esperando os reforços talvez teria ganhado a batalha, mas gosteia da manobra da retirada fingida
Suggestion for the next video: conquest of Constantinople by Mehmet II.
By my understanding at this point, the Swedish armies and other protestant commanders were seeking plunder to retire after the war. I personally would love to play a war game where we can see how things might have played out if The Lion of the North did not die so soon. I imagine He would have eventually been matched well as the Catholics adapted to his tactics. But the experience of his men and the sheer gravitas of the Lion. I imagine he would not have been lacking support for total war for some time.
Few know that the Swedes came as much south as Munich in Bavaria. Quite impressive.
Intressant som vanligt.
I'd like that this narration went on eternally.
I'm just reading along on wikipedia for more in depth info and I'm afraid you have Wallenstein killed a day early in your video (12:05). Otherwise great as always
is tha narrator ai or a real person