How did Alexander the Great master the False Gap at age 18 
A clip from our video Battle of Chaeronea, 338 BC. See the full video here:
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great analyzes of the Chaeronea battle 338 Makedonian army demolish greek city states.
Great video – just Macedon is pronounced with a soft C
He did the exact same move at the Battle of Issus, against Dariius of Persia — pull the enemy line apart by feinting, then striking with cavalry, peltasts, and light infantry for the Persian general staff.
Exact sane move, exact same outcome.
Philip was Macedonian Alexander was Macedonian. Macedonians were totally separate different tribe than greeks with different culture language etc.
Not to undermine the mans talent but I find it kind of funny
Perhaps the squares arent telling the whole picture but it seems to me like this win was more due to the greek incompetence, they left themselves wide open to a basic cavalry flanking maneuver
Omg I did something similar in Total War Rome II without even knowing.
The narrator sounds like the narrator from Battle front 2 campaign. The og 2005 game
Greeks, Athenians, Thevans, Macedonian. You are abusing history man. Stop it please
there was no one named Alexander, the great in history. Alexander, is lie.
Imagine the amount of courage and adrenaline his warriors must’ve felt, when they saw Alexander executing his part in the plan. They must’ve been hyped when they pushed back.
Like father like son.
Ceaser and so many great conquerers wanted to be like him.
He was unique. At that age what he did was never replicated.