Infrared webcam hack – using an infrared webcam to observe the world in a new way


This video, part of a series of ESA teaching resources called ‘Teach with space’, demonstrates an experiment that can be performed by students to observe everyday objects in infrared light. This is achieved by modifying a cheap webcam to allow it to block visible light and receive infrared light.

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  1. I keep watching all these films and wrecking webcams. CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHICH MODELS WORK FOR THIS???? I TRIED BUT NOT ALL MODELS ARE SUITED. THIS IS GETTING TIRESOME!!!!!!!!!

  2. Any idea which webcams (or camcorders) have the best sensors for linear performance, or performance I guess that can be software normalized, further into the IR range? Thanks for sharing and in advance for your time, service and support! I'm starting to work again on the UV-Vis-IR webcam (or maybe camcorder) spectrometer. I'm wanting to use a 4K sensor also since their prices are lower now.

  3. Hey, really cool explained what the IR camera can receive and how to analyse it.
    BTW, according to other comments, all case is wel… beauty – showed ๐Ÿ˜‰ Video liked with pleasure.
    Greetings from Poland

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