Laws of space | Meet the experts


Exploring outer space doesn’t come without rules. In this episode of Meet the Experts, Thea Flem Dethlefsen discusses the laws that govern space to ensure that all states have equal, fair and sustainable access in the present and the future.

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  1. so if mine out their its everybody – you know laws are going to change as soon as people can go out their – for one if the earth wants something out their no one is going to do it if not getting paid – technology comes at a price

  2. Space cities should be allowed to create their own systems of governance. I support the extension of international law against torture into space, but I don't necessarily want the entirety of the US federal law jurisdiction to apply to US citizens in space. If a lunar city decides they wants to allow people sell recreational drugs, or to get high on the moon, or have a copyright-free society, they should be able to without interference from laws of their home countries. But no one should be allowed to torture or murder.

  3. Not only state put things into space anymore.
    At some point, we're going to start colonizing other planets in earnest. Once we've got self sustaining colonies, you bet your ass we're going to be claiming spaces as our own.

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