NASA Completes Desert Lunar Rover Testing
One of the stops on NASA’s way to the moon is the Arizona desert. The 2009 Desert RATS – or Research
and Technology Studies – field test simulated a 14-day lunar mission. Two crew members – an astronaut
and a geologist – lived for 14 days inside NASA’s prototype Lunar Electric Rover, scouting the area for
features of geological interest and conducting moonwalks as necessary to collect samples. Other
prototype vehicles tested include Ames’s K-10 robotic scout and JPL’s Tri-Athlete cargo handling and
manipulation system. For more information
Nice to see the stuff we will never use, thanks Obama! The money to go to the moon will be spent on a better cause …like ACORN.
obvioulsy your IQ doesn't allow you to get that these things were planned and engeeneered far before Obama's election.
the tri-athlete FINALLY looks like a vehicle out of all those futuristic sci-fi movies. hopefully it doesn't take too much longer to actually put them into use.
Oh I know when they were planned. But now they have to be scrapped because we are not going to the moon!
Reminds me of my Lego creations. It is certifiably awesome! I hope we all get to see this at work on the moon!
4:14 that thing looks like a walking robot it looks weird. so cool
This would be great for roaming around Burning Man 😉
Tri-Athlete is creepy
the athlete is so cool!