NASA Social Media Conducts Web Chat on New Horizons Pluto Mission at the Applied Physics Laboratory
On Saturday, at the Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, MD, NASA connected with social media followers in-person and online for a Web Social on the New Horizons mission exploring Pluto using #NASASocial and #PlutoFlyby and @NASANewHorizons.
NASA Social is a program to provide opportunities for NASA’s social media followers to learn and share information about NASA’s missions, people, and programs. NASA Social is the next evolution in the agency’s social media efforts. Formerly called NASA Tweetup, NASA Social program includes both special in-person events and social media credentials for individuals who share the news in a significant way. This program has brought thousands of people together for unique social media experiences of exploration and discovery.
Never A Straight Answer….Snake Tongue in Logo. The World is Waking UP to ALL the LIES!!
Majority of the comments on here are ACE
5.12M SUBS and only 55 comments… LULZ even the Fan Boys don't give two chits. People at their desks are glued to their phones.
This should be rated L for LIES!
I gotta question will you have the girl in the pink scarf hollah at cha boy! Yeahh
Why dont they just quit abusing the planet they have now. They dont have to move to another planet and if they do it would only be for the white rich people. They never learn, this greedy breed.
NASA = Need Another Seven Actors
It's not that they can't go… there is no ""go""
what do they feed these guys in the cafeteria ? space lard ?
All who believe we never went to the moon, So Russia and the U.S.A. cooked up this story? and it hasn't leaked out yet? That would be a first in history! Everything is eventually leaked.especially out of Russia! Conspiracy theories with no valid base , is what you base the opinion NASA didn't go to the moon on.