Ultimate Gooey Slime – Halloween Sick Science! #003
For detailed instructions on creating your own gooey glue slime, check out http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/00000039 Is it a solid? Is it a liquid? Just what is this slimy, stringy, rubbery stuff? This variation on slime will probably remind you of a similar substance found in many toy stores. This is the most popular version of “slime” among teachers because it’s so easy to make and serves as a great visual tool for introducing students to the properties of polymers.
Want more experiments like this? Check out http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/product/naked-eggs-and-flying-potatoes
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Any replacement for BORAX? We dont get it where we live.
Loandry detergent and glu
where can you buy adult supervision? XD