2014 NASA African-American History Month Profile: Charles Doxley, Glenn Research Center
Charles Doxley is an electronics engineer at the NASA Glenn Research Center. His work for the avionics division includes working on a project that tests future space radios to make sure they are compatible with NASA’s spacecraft tracking and data relay satellite system. Doxley earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from Albany State University in Albany, Georgia and a Master’s Degree from Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama.
I thought the space program transcended race and politics ?
Put a black guy on Mars. Then we will talk.
Black history is also my history. It is part of the history of the human race which exists on a beautiful spectrum of colors and styles.
NASA puttin' down them nasty intro beats.
When will we see NASA European-American history month?
This is stupid. There is no need. Everyone should be viewed equal. We are all human.
Black astro-nots! Wow, now go back to the Moon Nasa!
The New Nasa equation: New NASA = political correctness + ambientalism + racialism + leftist propaganda – science = politics only
Black history sucks
Much respect cuz…keep up the good work an f**k all u haters out there…this my fam 4 life