40 years of Ariane
The 250th flight of an Ariane launcher was another success. The Ariane launcher programme has effectively put Europe on the map in the worldwide commercial satellites launcher market. Next 24 December will mark the 40th anniversary of the first Ariane Launch from Europe’ Spaceport in French Guiana and the situation has evolved along the years. An opportunity to look at what has been achieved and what can be expected for the future of Space Transportation in Europe.
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Happy birthday Ariane! And take good care of James Webb when it'll be ready to launch.
Ariane 6 won't land 1st stage? That's disappointing.
are you going to participate in the new spacerace to mars /do you have anything like Spacex Starship also can and does arian transport people to the ISS or elsewhere, and does any of your rockets& boosters have the capabilitie like spaceex to land vertically on dry land and be reused
I think its time Europe goes to the moon, China and the USA did it , India and Russa tried it , we can do it knowledge and technology whise, so are you going to
also you should make a memorandum spaceflight project to rebuild a live sized functional prototype A4 rocket with Werner van Brauns original plans for a ESA museum in Spreyer it would be so cool if you could start a real (unarmed) A4 rocket engine here in continental Europe to create higher public interest – fly a rocket from one place to the other. here in Europe, your activities are mostly a faraway thing that very little normal everyday people see, but I bet if you were to start a rocket somewhere close to the border region of Germany, France and Luxenborg – you would get millions watch it and it would catapult you into the center of public interest and you can maybe even increase funding that way.
You guys should have shown the Ariane 5 explosion in this vid… I know it was a bummer at the time but a spectacular explosion none the less.
For all friendly team ESA & ESA TV:Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!You The Best forever!!!
And Ariane Space Program congratulations on it's 40th annyversary!!!Per Aspera Ad Astra!!!
ISRO from India is the cheapest launch option available now. They are doing wonderful things at a very small cost comparing ESA or NASA.
For the next year i whish pld space succed in its plans and we would be able to see for 2021 the miura 5
Felicitaciones al programa Ariane por su contribución a la exploración espacial…..
Remember this like it was yesterday, thanks
Ariane 6 is beautiful!
Wow such a successful rocket! Way to go @ESA
Happy b day to ariane… Waiting for next gen ariane rocket…
Me desculpe a ESA que muito admiro! A minha opinião vale o que vale …Ariane é nome de homenagem a quê e a quem!! Haveria de haver um nome mais interessante para a conquista do espaço??
Beautiful! Vive l'Europe!
To the next 40 and more!
ESA is my favorite space agency. Good luck for ExoMars Rover Mission!