Waiting for Gaia
On 25 April 2018, ESA’s Gaia mission will publish its much awaited second data release, including high-precision measurements of nearly 1.7 billion stars in our Galaxy.
Scientists who have been working on creating and validating the data contained in the catalogue tell us why they are waiting for this extraordinary release.
Featured in the video: Antonella Vallenari (INAF, Astronomical Observatory of Padua), Anthony Brown (Leiden University), Timo Prusti (European Space Agency), Annie Robin (Institut UTINAM, OSU THETA Franche-Comté-Bourgogne), Laurent Eyer (University of Geneva) and Federica Spoto (IMCCE, Observatory of Paris).
A media briefing on the second Gaia data release will be held at the ILA Berlin Air and Space Show in Germany on 25 April 11:00-12:15 CEST. Watch the webstream at www.esa.int/live
Learn more about Gaia: bit.ly/ESAsGaia
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Video has conflicting information: mans says it measures 1 billion stars but at 1:13 into the video man says it measures 1/4 of the milkyway galaxy disk, which has 200million stars.
Does it provide more accurate distances to the stars in the Kepler field of view so that the Kepler data becomes more accurate? Smaller error bars on the sizes of the planets.
Looking back it's a history book, looking forward a roadmap.
Can't leave earth
An extraordinarily video. I wish I came across it sooner. Thank you for sharing
with the general public.
GAIA is amazing.
Pls gaia, im stuck in khei