Mission from ground | Meet the experts
How do we control a spacecraft from Earth and will satellites in space be autonomous one day soon? ESA mission control experts answer these questions and discuss the challenges of manoeuvring a mission from the ground in this episode of Meet the Experts.
* Erratum: the title of the last 3 speakers is ‘spacecraft engineer’ instead of ‘safecraft engineer’ as stated in the video.
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Good job European Space Agency.
Good explanation, but sorry you should improve the English pronunciation it's to "French" a bit comical and I am Portuguese

It is possible that I want to kept a liquid inside the cubsatellite…..that current situation of depletion of ozone layer some liquid that's have capibility to absorb the harmful gases…
Very cool! Now I know how to control a satelite.
Great minds! Not only they actually KNOW how to do their work, but also have an easy way to explain and teach it to others.
Thank you for your great work and your videos!

Thank you for those explanations.
I have got a question : is water somehow chillt to 4° to save space during transport an a rocket? Just thinking.
For men greatness whealth.
Muito legal
I launched some sattelites using ksp! thank you ESA!!!
Cleared Few doubts. Thanks
for those ESA Experts.
5:48 Yep, I need a system like that with other pedestrians sometimes…
Ngaaka blinde moy