This is how Rome became a major power
Third Samnite War (ALL PARTS)
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Big thanks to Srpske Bitke for their collaboration on this video:
Research and Writing by Dr.Byron Waldron of Sydney University, Australia. He recently published a book titled “Dynastic Politics in the Age of Diocletian, AD 284-311”. It’s an excellent read:
Narrated by David McCallion
Le Mura Megalitiche: Il Lazio meridionale tra storia e mito – Viviana Fontana (2016)
Cassius Dio, Roman History
Diodorus Siculus, Library of History
Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman Antiquities
Frontinus, Stratagems
Livy, From the Founding of the City
Polybius, Histories
Zonaras, Epitome of Histories
Bradley, G. 2020: Early Rome to 290 BC: The Beginnings of the City and the Rise of the Republic, Edinburgh.
Cornell, T. 2017: ‘The “Samnite Wars,” 343-290 BC, in M. Whitby & H. Sidebottom (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient Battles, Malden MA, Oxford & Chichester, West Sussex, 2.469-479.
Forsyth, G. 2006: A Critical History of Early Rome: From Prehistory to the First Punic War, Berkeley.
Oakley, S. P. 1997-2005: A Commentary on Livy, Books VI-X, Oxford.
#rome #history #historymarche
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The carnage is unbelievable
It’s possible Devortio was just a good way of convincing useless headstrong consuls to get out of the way….
Awesome video.
Wonderfull !
Bouvines one day ?
Jupiter may the algorithm bless this video
Damn Nautius is Joker and Gigachad both at the same time
History marche :"heres a comp of vids I've posted"
Me: cumz
This was a really good video mate! Well done!
This is amazing. Historymarche is doing Kings and Generals style of presentation. I like how detailed you described the battles.
Good video, loved it