Oceans and climate


Earth’s oceans are huge heat stores, soaking up 93% of the excess heat from human activity over the past 70 years. Ocean currents redistribute heat around the planet, from the Equator to the poles. Where this ocean heat goes influences weather patterns and regional climate. As well as absorbing heat, oceans are a natural carbon sink, absorbing a quarter of carbon dioxide emissions from human activity. This has led to the acidification of ocean water, threatening marine life.

The amount of heat and carbon dioxide absorbed depends on a number of ocean variables, all of which can be measured from space.

© Planetary Visions (credit: ESA/Planetary Visions)

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  1. I would say the DOD and HAARP have done more to affect climate in the last twenty years than us mere mortals over the last 200. Can't find a link to see how the percentages of Co2 from human activity are measured as absorbed into the oceans. Bet it is a model based on assumptions.

  2. Mais do que nunca o Agora é muito importante monitorizar ..Para que o amanhã seja cada vez mais melhorado !! Incutir responsabilidade e respeito pelos Oceanos são reflexo de vida e conectadas com as nossas vidas!! Um Serviço deveras essencial preservar!! Temos que pensar que o nosso Planeta Azul tem muita água e todos dependemos desta união de elos que já estamos a quebrar, o que nos restará?!

  3. When explained like this, one cannot argue humans are contributing majorly to climate change. The Great Barrier Reef and polar ice caps cannot disappear, they just can't. ESA is doing something I never would have imagined space exploration could be capable of- understanding, treating, protecting our planet through these "medical diagnostic tests". It's like having Earth get x-rays, sonograms, bloodwork, etc. and telling her she is not crazy, she really is sick and these are the reasons why. With that, treatment plans can be created. Hopefully by 2075 we will have restored our planet to much better health. Thank you ESA.

  4. The question I ask myself, we know so much about the world warming yet so little is being done. People still use planes and travel like before the pandemic, like nothing happened. The frequency of wars are rising, yet the world wants more weapons and arms?
    Are we doomed to fail and go extinct?

  5. I like this video and the work of the European Space Agency, although measuring the temperature of the surface of an ocean is not equivalent to measuring the temperature of an ocean. Similarly, the temperature at the upper surface of Earth's troposphere is not what we experience in daily life.

  6. "Earth’s oceans are huge heat stores, soaking up 93% of the excess heat from human activity over the past 70 years."
    A pretty Bold assertion that needs to be backed up … but isn't
    What about solar activity and internal dynamics, like vulcanism ?
    Overall however, the ocean currents and their effects are beautifully explained and illustrated.

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