The Non-Conductive Water…
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Steve Spangler is a bestselling author, STEM educator and Emmy award-winning television personality with more than 2,100 television appearances to his credit. Steve appeared as a regular guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show from 2007-2022. Learn more about Steve at
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The SICK Science® series was created by Steve Spangler.
© 2010 Steve Spangler, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SICK Science is a registered trademark of Steve Spangler, Inc. Reg. No. 4,398,849
Im not that guy but im first
Hmm kollaam
Why weren't you my science teacher? I definitely would've paid attention!
Love your videos
would that work with sea water???
I Learned this in Grammar School Science in the 60's.
It Shows how LOW the Education system has Fallen.
used to run wire edm machines, had to run di water and when filters were bad and the ppm got too high machine would alarm out until new filters and water cycled enough to remove any conductive material
me running with the lamp back to the bathtub for science
Pure water is a very poor conductor. But very little of the water you'll ever meet is pure and you won't always have time to check…
He says "two bare wires each side", but he means one on EACH side. You can see them and count them.h
this is such a safe demonstration, it's a shame low voltage and a led wouldnt work, i've poked myself on the leads of LEDs before, they are dangerous
The Bill Nye of YouTube shorts.