Tracking human emissions from space
The Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (CO2M) mission will be the first satellite mission to measure how much carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere through human activity.
CO2M isn’t just a mission; it’s a crucial step in our commitment to understanding and mitigating climate change. It will offer unprecedented precision in monitoring carbon dioxide emissions from the combustion of fossil fuel at national and regional scales.
Its data will provide the EU with a unique and independent source of information to assess the effectiveness of policy measures and to track their impact towards decarbonising Europe ahead of the next Global Stocktake set to place in 2028.
The video features interviews with Valerie Fernandez, CO2M Mission Project Manager, Yannig Durand, CO2M Payload Manager and Yasjka Meijer, CO2M Mission Scientist.
00:00 – 2:10 – Meet CO2M; Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitor
2:11 – 5:11 – Measurements
5:12 – 6:42 – Revisit time and resolution
6:43 – 9:55 – Technology behind
9:56 – 12:00 – Impact on policy
Credits: ESA – European Space Agency
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Great video explaining the need & technologies to monitor several atmospheric GHG (Green House Gasses). Suggestion: I believe the video needs a 15-second preface to explain (1) it is about a set of satellites by ESA, to measure & monitor GHGs. (2) it is an essential part of the solution, allowing us to monitor the actual near real-time production of GHGs across the entire Earth. (3) all data will be shared with all nations, to help assess their true progress or their insufficient efforts.
This Statement is made voluntarily pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act
2015 (the “Act”) by General Electric Company on behalf of its affiliates conducting business
in the UK and covered by the Act (as listed in Appendix A herein referred to as “GE Reporting
Entities”), (together the “Company” or “GE”). The Statement discusses actions GE took in its
prior fiscal year to address risks of modern slavery in its own operations and value chain, and
which the Reporting Entities participated in as part of GE’s human rights program.
GE delivers innovative solutions and services to provide essential infrastructure for the world.
We work with the highest integrity, a compliance-oriented culture, and respect for human
rights, while also setting ambitious goals to reduce emissions through operational efficiencies
and technology. This statement builds on statements we’ve submitted under the California
Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010, the Australian Commonwealth Modern Slavery
Act 2018, and GE’s Human Rights Report (issued in 2022), to demonstrate GE’s continued
commitment to address modern slavery and other human rights risks throughout our global
operations and value chain. We are proud of our efforts on this issue but are mindful that
our program must continually improve as we remain vigilant in our fight against this global
human rights crisis
Save Our Planet Now!!
Under Paris nations are not required to include military emissions in their reporting. US military is by far largest institutional emitter in the world. It operates 800 military bases. Can co2m pull this specific polluter's data from its dataset? Thanks for your work on this critical situation.
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