Recreating Moon surface on Earth
ESA uses terrestrial rocks to recreate the Moon’s surface!
Two state-of-the-art ESA facilities are working closely to develop a simulated lunar environment that will serve as a proving ground for future exploration technologies.
ESA – European Space Agency
#ESA #Moon #Lunar
What about the 3D Printer that uses the lunar soil to build the cover of your moon habitats? Would be nice if you could test this there too!
I love ESA!
Just copy what NASA did for the first moon landing

Lol… this will be the Artemis landing site?
Sorry.. just thought that I would be "THAT" guy.
What about the moon dust charge how it clings to everything
We love esa

No comments about conspiracy as nobody never went on the moon ?

Cool, This is an Awesome Project.

Can't wait to See The Results !!
Thanks to ESA
Why? Just invest same money and go to the actual moon, rejoice and return safely with latest tech available with you to do so
The perfect female too continue the human race on any planet
Then the history will repeat