Spitzer and NASA’s ‘Great Observatories’ Space Telescopes
This is the animated storybook tale of the Spitzer spacecraft and its exploits as part of the space telescope superteam known as NASA’s Great Observatories, which also includes Hubble. With its special power to see infrared light, Spitzer revealed a whole side of the universe that had been hidden from our view.
I'm so excited about the James Webb Telescope. I'm 22 years Old and I'm very happy to be on this Planet. Well done Spitzer.
narrator sounds like he had a lot of fun
Can the Artemis mission astronauts use the moon Rover to drive to the previous landing sites (Apollo mission) and show them? Sorry for my English)
So far, so good
I have the biggest grin rn that was so great
I wish i was in space
That’s so amazing. I’m so speechless…
I can’t form words…
Subtitulos plis in spanish
Haha this is so cool, a great tribute to Spitzer. In a way these technologies and scientist are true heroes. Pls, do the other telescopes.
Great video!
I'm not sure, but was this made for kids?
What about the Kepler telescope?
How can this video only have
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