A chat with Congress, from space on This Week @NASA – December 4, 2015
A Dec. 2 event with the House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space and Technology, featured a live chat with NASA’s Scott Kelly and Kjell Lindgren from onboard the International Space Station. Kelly and Lindgren answered questions from Texas Representative and Chairperson Lamar Smith and other committee members, about life on the station and the research on the orbital laboratory. Kelly is in the ninth month of his year-long mission with Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko to gather biomedical data that will help formulate a human mission to Mars, while Lindgren is preparing to return to Earth Dec. 11 to complete a 141-day mission. Also, Next space station crew preparing for launch, Orion powerhouse ready for testing, Anniversary of Orion’s first flight test, Your planet is changing. We’re on it, and Preparing Earth observation tool for space station!
I want to go to space! contact me NASA. I'm not joking.
Expedition 47 and the SpaceX return to flight on the same day? December 15th is going to be exciting!
what di mify do the surd zoa aqui e brasil huehueu
Wow, it has already been a year since the Orion test flight. How time flies (ba dum tsst)
i would be good at solitary confinement while en route to mars i never go outside and the people in the rest of the house are nice people! cook me food and everything
I really want to join nasa
I want to go to space, please. I'm at your service. oh my god
i answer every question about Anti-Matter !
Give me a tall asteroid and a star to steer her by…