Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Repair Spacewalk #2, Nov. 22, 2019
Astronauts Andrew Morgan of NASA and Luca Parmitano of the European Space Agency (ESA) will venture outside the International Space Station starting at ~7:05 a.m. EST to continue repairing the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) instrument. This is the second in a series of repair spacewalks – the most complex of this kind since the servicing of the Hubble Space Telescope. AMS is attached to the outside of the space station, where it has been operating since 2011. It is a particle physics experiment working to help us understand dark matter and the origins of the universe.
I wish that this was the most popular channel on youtube, instead its some no-nothing know-it-all singing(using auto-tune) to "music" that they didn't write or play, and certainly couldn't "play" live. These men and women should be our heroes. This could unite the world, and should be treated as such and it's just not. SAD!
why does their hand-held radio have that cord? Does sound not carry in the ISS? Do radio waves not well in space? It reminds me of our phone growing up, then we upgraded to a cordless phone with a huge telescopic antenna (lol).
I would like to see astronauts go inside a vacuum chamber here on Earth with their suit on. It's not a big request
8:58:30 Why turn off the camera just before the helmet was lifted?
What’s with the cameras being turned off before the helmet being lifted?
I am 14 years old and I really hope to become an astronaut, but I'm not a good enough actor.
We both got secret agendas
When I repair stuff I try to avoid doing it in the dark. Must be a lot easier when you're in space.
Islam please contact us! !!
USS, underwater space station
How come the station doesn't appear to move at 5 miles per second as we are told it does
My first smartphone had a 1080p video camera. Circa 2011.