Battle of Tours, 732 AD
How did the Franks turn the Islamic Tide?
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The Franks, led by Charles Martel, met the Muslim army commanded by Abd al-Rahman, the Umayyad governor of Spain, in early October 732 AD. Some have argued that this brief conflict influenced the fate of Christian civilization in Europe, while others see it as a simple border skirmish. The truth, it seems, lies somewhere in-between.
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Big thanks to Bert’s Battles for their collaboration on this video:
Narrated by David McCallion
#history #documentary #historymarche
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No mention of the heavy defeat of the Muslims in 737 at the south of Narbonne at the battle of the Berre River , by Charles, where he took by surprise a great Muslim army coming from Spain for helping Narbonne against the siege made by Charles. In this battle it was not about a raid but a strategic battle.
On military point of view it was more important , but because it is linked with the failure of the siege of Narbonne, it is less known. And i guess this is why they use the battle of Tours as symbol.
Fast forward to today where the EU invites Muslim invaders in by the million then pays them to breed like rabbits… Our ancestors would spin in their graves and the stupidity of our so called leaders… Altruism is perhaps the most dangerous drug of all. Turning once pragmatic nations into virtue signalling fools. Todays Islamic leadership probably couldn’t believe the naivety of todays Europe until it became to obvious to ignore.
An amazingly rare example of an army not routing when their top commander was killed.
Great video as always !
Franks foiled one Muslim raiding party and their descendants celebrate it like they stopped the invasion of the entire Mongolian horde's unified steppe tribes lead by Ghengis Khan himself