Closing a chapter in style!
The Ariane 5 launch vehicle liftoff for flight VA261 from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana on 5 July at 23:00 BST (6 July at 00:00 CEST). Flight VA261 carried two payloads into space – the German space agency DLR’s experimental communications satellite Heinrich Hertz and the French communications satellite Syracuse 4b. The flight was the 117th and final mission for Ariane 5, a series which began in 1996.
Credits: ESA/CNES/Arianespace
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Farewell, Ariane 5. It was a pleasure watching you fly. It's a shame you retired so soon.
It’s so fast
Built some toilet
What, no fireworks?

So, Ariane 5 is gone, wondering when ESA will start working with reusable first stages or perhaps innovate even more and try something different?
I love esa rockets acceleration
Wonderfull just wonderfull the end of Ariane 5 and soon the beginning of Ariane 6 and beyond.