Earth from Space: Lake George
Ahead of World Wetlands Day, celebrated internationally each year on 2 February, this week’s edition of the Earth from Space programme features a Copernicus Sentinel-2 image over Lake George in western Uganda. In 1988, Lake George was designated as Uganda’s first site under the Ramsar Convention – an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands.
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I hope you guys do the USA?
Adorei ver a vida selvagem e a biodiversidade que rodeia estes lagos!! As fotografias deram-nos conta que existe muito verde com os veios tão nítidos que pareciam árvores desenhadas e com salpicos brancos, uma geometria complexa…os estreitos tal como a vista em estreito contacto com a nossa vista!! O lago está em sintonia com o que o rodeia!! Mais umas imagens maravilhosas que unem os lagos e como são importantes para preservar a vida já que a água é a própria essência!
Can you do malaysia?
We're watching you. love from India
Thank you for your great work and this video!

धन्यवाद ।
Best moments're been here

When can we expect the view of Indian peninsula on 'Earth from space'
I wish these segments were much longer. I was not familiar with Lake George, and was teased with just a couple minutes of 'highlights'. I appreciate what it takes to upload a three minute video of this quality. It could easily be extended two to three times in length with diminishing effort though.