ExoMars prepares for liftoff (4K timelapse)


Timelapse movie following the preparations of the ExoMars 2016 spacecraft in the lead up to launch on 14 March 2016. The movie includes the integration of the entry, descent and landing demonstrator module, Schiaparelli, with the Trace Gas Orbiter, and the journey of the spacecraft inside the Proton rocket as it is moved to the launch pad and raised to a vertical position.

ExoMars launched from Baikonur, Kazakhstan at 09:31 GMT on 14 March. It will arrive at the Red Planet on 19 October. Its mission is to address unsolved mysteries of the planet’s atmosphere that could indicate present-day geological – or even biological – activity, and to demonstrate the landing technologies needed for future missions to Mars.

Find out more: http://www.esa.int/exomars

Credits: Directed by Stephane Corvaja, ESA; Edited by Manuel Pedoussaut, Zetapress; Music by Hubrid-Time

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  1. Hi ESA, I would be REALLY really interested in how the Launchpad-Mechanism works that is able to set a rocket like that into an upright position without damaging it. Dont know if that is possible for you guys to give us a documentary on that, but it would be a blast from an engineering point of view.

  2. wait, where is something a bit weird…
    At 2:06 there is at thing on the top which i suppose is to keep the fairing safe or something like that,
    but then at 2:13 it is not there anymore, the clamp had already retracted and there is no way people climbed up there and removed the thing. Please, enlighten me, people of the ESA
    (This is not any conspiracy, just a question, i would never ever make a conspiracy agains space exploration)

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