Gaia astronomical revolution
Launched in December 2013, the Gaia mission is revolutionising our understanding of the Milky Way. The space telescope is mapping our galaxy in unprecedented detail – measuring the position, movement and distance of stars.
At a meeting in Groningen in the Netherlands, scientists have been discussing the challenge of processing and visualising Gaia data.
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Forget Hollywood tour guides….this is the real Map of the Stars.
Thank You.
Gaia é um guia que roda no espaço …Para sabermos de que são feitas as coisas …as estrelas, as origens, os ingredientes do Universo…a partida à exploração!! Gaia é assim tornada como uma enciclopédia que sendo consultada tem vários assuntos valiosos para ser lida nesta diversidade cósmica ou numa chuva de particulas!! Gaia é aquela máquina que nos faz ver …O que não é visível a olho nu…as estrelas são a atracção força principal que podem dar aso a outras descobertas mais profundas!! Com são tão belas galaxuas, as estrelas e a compreende-las melhor nos processós no interior?? Porque desde os primórdios as estrelas são guias para o homem e o seu posicionamento no mundo e vida??

GAIA has made great strides in finding distances between stars and Earth.
Except AGB stars… made my bachelor thesis a lot more irritating
Given it's determining position and velocity of all the stars. It should also provide a future proof dynamic map of the galaxy. We just need a computer that can handle it all, and dynamically maintain the accurate star positions.
Gaia/Earth is calling Milky Way!……
Go Gaia!
Publicly funded science at its best.
optimisation of the optical bench was an assignment set as a problem in my design module! i had a lot of reading to do on this satellite. It will produce so much data that we are looking at a new cycle of scientific discovery with all the data that will be compiled!
People are waiting for DR3….
Lovely job esa love from America.
"GAIA is probably one of humanitys greatest missions, one of the greatest catalogues of data that has currently existest to go through. its almost impossible to give you all the ways in which is impacting astrophysics." Wow, well … thanks for the description !… if you can next time make it a tiny little notch even more generic we are on trump level information" It is so great, one of the greatest things people ever have seen, its so amazing you wouldn't understand it." Well anyways, have an upvote, because ESA is great, as well as the GAIA mission.
Can the counter rotation of the newly discovered stars be due to a birkeland current flowing through our galaxy?
Wenn darf man vermissen, wenn darf man lieben, wenn darf man neben sich haben? Was ist, wenn ich nur diesen einen Menschen wünsche. ….