International Space Station Expedition 1: The Beginning
In recognition of the 20th anniversary of continuous human presence aboard the International Space Station, listen as Space Foundation board member Jeanne Meserve sits down with the Expedition 1 crew, William Shepherd (NASA astronaut and Commander of Expedition 1), Sergei Krikalev (Russian cosmonaut and Flight Engineer of Expedition 1), and Yuri Gidzenko (Russian cosmonaut and Soyuz Commander of Expedition 1), as they discuss what it was like to be the first ever crewed expedition to the International Space Station. Also joining the conversation are George Abbey, who was director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center at the time, and Ginger Kerrick, the Russian Training Integration Instructor for Expedition 1.
If the earth was spinning it would spin you like a top at the poles
Откуда они знают английский?
Жаль, Китай начал строить свою станцию, а не присоединился к Международной космической станции.
why have we learned so much more biut are still turning back.
Been thinking a lot lately.. properties of iron in an asteroid in comparison of ore processed from scratch here on earth.. " Rare earth minerals" such as that used in batteries for cars like tesla.. what if these rare minerals were discovered in space on an asteroid, and how would their properties be in regard as others in density? How well would a battery preform if such rare elements were taken from an asteroid and made into a battery to be used here on earth, or on an international space station?
Other metals like gold, silver, electro/thermal conductivity.. radiation resistance.. elasticity, ductillity.. and so on. How other elements like nickel, copper.. boron, aluminum, cobalt..well, " metallurgy" in general in a zero g environment.. all them things done to iron and steel to improve its quality, form and function.. and how it would be if manufactured in space.
hello, for me to eat a pair, theories, and I do not know, for what stopped, we it admits that black hole, since appeared, part of energy, due to a gravitation pushes off particles, on shallow parts, that in investigation we get, something on similarity of hadron collider, at certain speed, we get a microscopic black hole, which becomes part large then, and those that did not turn up, farther run wild, got to the black hole, and outside. So, for what theory stopped, a black hole broadens, and in this disintegrates, and turns out, emptinesses of ideal form, or that I stick to anymore, it at some instant, a black hole stops to tighten mass, on a distant radius, and processes that energy of which by the side of her, since she crossed bits and pieces of energy, begins compresses, to determinations of sphere, whereupon at an explosion, transforms, in white, that in investigation, we have, emptiness without particles, and zone without magnetic-field, but I small confusion, because it this is a very long process, which makes it necessary to reconsider the time of the universe. Thanks.
Nasa I have a question are aliens real?



I was studying the list of 569 space travelers on wikipedia and their nationalities. In my opinion, it shows ingratitude, the fact that there have been astronauts from Mongolia, Afghanistan, Cuba, Vietnam, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria or even Brazil and Mexico and there has not been a single Greek astronaut.
I know that the cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin is of Greek-Pontian descent, and for me he is Greek because he says that he feels Greek, but he flew under the Russian flag and not the Greek one.
I really don't want to be offensive towards the nations I mentioned above. I am not an extreme right-winger or a racist and I truly respect every nation and every human being (yeah the Turks too :D).
But really, think for a moment about this example, what was the positive contribution of Mongolia to human culture and sciences and what was that of Greece.
The United States flew 352 American astronauts and the Russians 121.
At least in one of all these missions they should have included a Greek astronaut as an honored representative of a nation that has offered so much knowledge, the "tools" to humanity, that humanity is able to pursue its space destiny.
Even the name "stars" or "astronaut and cosmonaut" are Greek (in fact half of the English language is Greek).
However, they made sure to keep a seat for some civilian astronauts to fly because they have a large wallet. It is sad because it shows what the priorities of humanity are.
I'm sure some will say "Greece is bankrupt, it will have to pay its debts", but many of the nations I mentioned above have smaller economies than Greece and unfortunately they are in a worse financial condition.
The Greeks have always led humanity, they do it even today since many of the leading scientists are Greeks. We are a tiny nation in terms of population, ten to fifteen million people, with a huge positive imprint on human civilization, compared to other nations with billions of people.