Living in space
Over the last two decades, space agencies have created more comfortable conditions on the International Space Station, but we need to explore the concept of ‘living in space’ much further if humans are to ever live and work on another world, such as the Moon or Mars.
ESA’s Discovery and Preparation Programme works to prepare ESA for the future of space exploration. As part of this programme, ESA has worked with academic and industrial partners on a huge number of studies that lay the groundwork for living in space.
The technology that exists today could easily take us to the Moon and beyond, but it is studies like those carried out under the Discovery and Preparation Programme that will make a trip resourceful, sustainable and productive.
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J'ai l'équipe parfaite pour la première vague d'habitation sur la Lune : Trump, Kim, Poutine, De Wever, Le Pen et Maduro….
I have the perfect team for the first wave of habitation on the Moon: Trump, Kim, Putin, De Wever, Le Pen and Maduro ….
Mi havas la perfektan teamon por la unua ondo de loĝejo sur la Luno: Trump, Kim, Putin, De Wever, Le Pen kaj Maduro …