Manzikert, 1071
Battle that broke the Byzantine Empire and sparked the First Crusade
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Big thanks to Srpske Bitke for collaborating with me on this video:
Narrated by David McCallion
Research & Writing: Jonathan Woody & HistoryMarche
Road to Manzikert : Byzantine and Islamic Warfare, 527-1071 by Brian Todd Carey
Manzikert to Lepanto by Adolf M. Hakkert
#history #medieval #documentary
He didnt muslims did
The byzantines suck!!!
What happened @20:13 is not accepted in Islam, as in Islam the Prophet said, "have mercy on an honorable person of a nation reduced to disgrace."
Islam high refuses such acts, and Saladin followed Islam when he allowed all European Christians to marsh back to Europe unharmed and untouched.
In all honesty to put it simple, most Turkish commanders/Sultans followed Turkish beliefs they mixed with Islam rather than actually following the Islamic teachings of war.
Yet one of the most honorable Turkish dynasties was the Mamluk dynasty of Egypt, they simply were very unique amongst the others who were around them.
What a shameful victory.
Make the video on Iran-Iraq war
This one was easy for Seljuks, according to this video, emperor Romanus IV Diogenes and his generals were one of the most incompetent army leaders ever.
Can you do video about David the fourth of Georgia? Battle of didgori. But not in the way like kings and generals done it
Excellent for turks thry manage to defeat romans that were conquering its lost lands from small divided arab emirates but when they fought strong and unified empire like seljuks they completely lose Anatolia.
It seems in this video that the number of Byzantines are fewer than Seljuks, which is absolutely a lie. There were twice the number of the Byzantine armies in comparison to the Seljuks.
15:50 They learned right then the same thing that most of Europe is learning right now….Diversity is NOT a strength.