Mars’ vast system of deep and steep valleys 🔴 #shorts


Noctis Labyrinthus is vast system of deep and steep valleys that stretches out for around 1190 km, roughly the length of Italy here on Earth.

It is nestled between the colossal martian ‘Grand Canyon’ (Valles Marineris) and the tallest volcanoes in the Solar System (the Tharsis region).

The intense volcanism in the nearby Tharsis region is to blame for the formation of these features; this volcanism caused large areas of martian crust to arch upwards and become stretched and tectonically stressed, leading to it thinning out, faulting and subsiding.

📹 ESA – European Space Agency
🖥️ ESA/DLR/FU Berlin

#ESA #Mars #Space

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  1. As a kid I used to think how disappointing we only have 4 terrestrial planets to explore. Then we spread out into the solar system and explored moons in the outer reaches.

    Now what I find disappointing is that we don't have more missions to these worlds and have them more frequently. A trickle to what should be a flood.

    Will just have to enjoy the missions and images we have for now.

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