NASA Astronauts Complete All-Woman Spacewalk
On Friday, Oct. 18, NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir completed NASA’s first all-woman spacewalk. During the 7-hour, 17-minute spacewalk, the pair replaced a failed power controller and completed several other tasks in preparation for future spacewalks.
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will nasa dump each module of ISS over point nemo slowly by 2024??
will nasa dump each module of ISS over point nemo slowly by 2024??
all woman spacewalk? omg, and its still up there?
how is this thing protected against debree? its like shooting around with a shotgun
dear spacy ladies, do you have the extra space for a poor miserable servant frog? At the size of the underwear..
I want to be the first astronaut frog to present the rich Amphibian culture to aliens
their hearts may melt