Samantha Cristoforetti’s second mission highlight | Minerva Mission


ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti will soon complete her second mission to the International Space Station, Minerva.

She was launched from Kennedy Space Center in late April, and since then has supported many European and international science experiments, as well as taken responsibility for all operations within the US Orbital Segment. In July 2022 she performed her first spacewalk, during which she carried out work in the Russian segment to bring the European Robotic Arm into operation.

This report provides a summary of the Minerva Mission, which will end shortly with Samanthaโ€™s return to Earth.

Samanthaโ€™s personal Twitter:
Samanthaโ€™s personal TikTok:

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  1. wow, das ist nah… ob sie mal gucken kann wo genau mein herz da oben ist seit ich denken kann? da oben zu sein macht einen nachweislich schรถner als alles auf der erde befindliche, schรถner im sinne dass ihr teilt und trotzdem verdoppelt. jup ihr seid das glรผck dieser erde. ๐Ÿ˜˜@ all!

  2. Samantha represents europe from the best side. With her brilliant mind and brave attitude and her beautiful smile ! I wish her a good flight back home. ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡นโค

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