Science Max|FRICTION | SCIENCE Experiments
Have you ever done a science experiment and wondered “What would this be like if it were HUGE?” Welcome to Science Max, the exciting new series that turbocharges all the science experiments you’ve done at home.
Hi I love being first
do longer videos
Fantastic stuff. You're Great. Also, Can we Be youtube friends? xP
The wood is not high the carpet the carpet is higher friction the definition is low and the one cardboard in the friction is low I mean the carpet is is
Working on the carpet is more higher thanfriction
Someday you will be like bill nye
Wow, fantastic, we loves your videos ! First.

Really enjoyed it! keep it up
hold on, at the top you say that BUT in the videos you always say "don't try this at home" soooooo
Guys just so you know I was first
Phil you are cool scientist. You are the only scientist which not take science as a problem but as funny thing and you entertain us by jokes
You also teaches us things which we can't learn in school