World Water Day: what’s space got to do with it?


UN Sustainable Goal 6 is crystal clear: Water for all by 2030.

For World Water Day we take a look at ways that space can help this global challenge. While Earth-observing satellites monitor our precious water resources, technologies developed for human space missions also serve global needs in harsh environments here on Earth.

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  1. A H2O é tão importante …Os terraqueos deviam dar os mesmos passos como fazem no espaço? Mas é difícil porque temos o 1,2,3 e 4 mundos velocidades não são iguais e uns são mais afortunados que outros!! Será possível que a água reciclada seja uma realidade para todos neste nosso planeta?…Para que se transformem desertos em oásis?? Os instrumentos utilizados poderão dar soluções numa cooperação a nível global?? Um projecto de se lhe tirar o chapéu!!

  2. Thank you @ESA for putting all the resources ( money, scientists, engineers, many multiple technical personnel, etc) into not only studying space but our planet as well! Cooperate organizations around the world are our best shot at not only increasing our species odds of survival, but also the future of this great, pale blue spot. 😃

  3. Did you, +European Space Agency ESA, already study something about the fact that water absorbs electromagnetic radiation and what this does with life in that water? Our drinking water, the water of our fishes and corals? I guess not, otherwise you would cancel 5G immediately.
    I could be wrong, and in case this is so, please add here the links to scientific research on for instance PubMed that 5G is absolutely safe concerning the interference of the 5G satellites, beaming intense radiation to earth, to its oceans, rivers, etc. etc. etc. Also: human beings are for 60% or more water, also trees, plants, etc. contain water, so what are the effects of your great not in-depth researched project on life on earth? Thank you in advance for your comment with links.

  4. Yes, I want to join water management program. Asia & Africa are facing water shortage. We should have to take action ASAP.
    South East Asia is in danger zone.

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