13 volcanoes seen from space
Have you ever wondered what a volcano looks like from space? Today, we’re counting down our picks of the most impressive volcanoes around the world – captured by satellites. Our countdown includes Mount Fuji, Mount Mayon and Mount Vesuvius.
Are there any volcanoes we missed on our list? Let us know in the comments below.
00:00 – Intro
00:38 – Mount Fuji
01:27 – Mount St. Helens
02:14 – Mauna Loa
02:52 – Fagradalsfjall
03:33 – Kamchatka Peninsula
04:13 – Mount Vesuvius
05:15 – Volcán de Fuego
06:17 – Mount Mayon
07:04 – Emi Koussi
07:57 – Cumbre Vieja
08:47 – Mount Taranaki
09:40 – Galapagos Islands
10:20 – Anak Krakatoa
“Correction:” 2:17 – This footage does not show Mauna Loa but shows the Diamond Head, Hawaii.
“Correction:” 5:39 – This part of the image does not show the lava flow from the Volcán de Fuego
Credits: ESA
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The last part of the video made me think I just watched a WatchMojo video. Very reminiscent of Ms. Mojo’s catchphrase at the end.
wow ! thanks !!
Wonderful! I'd like to see" el Ruiz" or "Nevado del Ruiz" thanks
How long will volcanoes save us, so that we do not die out from exhausts оf factories and cars, and the Earth becomes Venus?
That is not Mauna Loa at 2:19 in the video.
Yellowstone the deadliest did not make the list?
Gostei muito desse canal desse vídeo. Parabéns
Yellowstone é também um grande vulcão?
Great vidéo ! Please provide subtitles in orher languages (spanish, french, italian, portuguese …)