25 years of Copernicus
25 years ago, Copernicus set out to transform the way we see our planet. It is the largest environmental monitoring programme in the world.
Learn more about the Copernicus programme and the Sentinel satellite missions developed by ESA. https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Copernicus
Credits: ESA
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"free of charge"
More like paid by EU taxpayers.
The people who built it did great work! Congrats, ESA! I can imagine something like this, but celebrating the future Mars sample return mission's anniversary!
Hi ESA hispaniola j c ΠΩ√
Great video on the purpose of Copernicus, a fantastic successful mutual scientific as well as economic trade. In fact, around 13% of my country's total trade last year constituted electronic equipment, spacecraft and scientific ,optical, photo and technical apparatus.
A missão Copérnico é um marco histórico …na observação da Terra vista do Espaço, não haja dúvida!! A pergunta é …tivemos mais respeito pela Terra e pela ciência que nos forneceu informação para mudarmos as nossas atitudes…perante as alterações ao longo destes 25 anos?!!
Parabéns ESA pela continuação …deste importante projecto!!
You're the best!
We know the proverb "prevention is better than cure". This proverb demonstrating by the ESA and its mission like Copernicus. This is really a remarkable journey and a big salutes for the ESA and It's mission journeys.
Thanks for the ESA's (e)news letters !
i really really want to work on this!!!
Wow. I had no idea this data was available to the public, that’s amazing!
Wow. Top Work.