Battle for Survival
How did Alexios Komnenos save the Byzantine Empire? DOCUMENTARY
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/> Alexios I Komnenos was one of the great Byzantine Emperors. He turned the declining Byzantine Empire into a strong seat of power and successfully defended it against Norman invasions in the Balkans and the Seljuk Turk threat in Asia Minor.
This video was produced in collaboration with Bulgarian Empire Mapping, check out their channel and give them the credit that they deserve! – Big shout to BEM for collaborating with us on this video!
Research and writing
Bulgarian Empire Mapping
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Narrated by David McCallion
#documentary #alexios #byzantine
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I am eager to see a video about john the second
Just how large was the Crusader Army that came to aid in Alexios campaign which is stated to be the largest ever formed at the time period?
The second restitutor orbis
Alexios is my favorite historical figure of all time, I'm going to name my first kid after him
The legendary battles between Alexios and Robert Guiscard's men…
Aveaone job, qnd cooperation beteew you and bulgqrian mapping. Eastern romans are my favorited empire ever
Kendinizi avutmaya devam edin.
best history chanel on YT!
Video on John II yes please
Music in 0:01
He abandoned the crusaders before they broke their oath
great video !!!