What is Cheops?
What is ESA’s Characterising Exoplanet Satellite, Cheops, and how will it improve our knowledge of exoplanets? Find out more in this interview with Kate Isaak, ESA Cheops project scientist.
More about Cheops: http://bit.ly/ESACheops
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looks amazing
What are the chances the planet's orbit is close enough to its star that it blocks the light from the satellites vantage point? The planet's that orbit just a teeny bit off our view of their transit, we will never know about them.
Go, Cheops, go!
Congratulations for the launch!
Another massive waste of money.
Congrats for launch . Keep helping us
Thank you so much for your videos, I am currently studying space technology in Germany and I hope that I can join the forces soon!
Thank you so much!!!!Gostei do seu comentário! !!!Exoplanetas são habitados por extraterrestres?