Asteroid 2012 TC4 flyby
This remarkable footage shows the flyby of asteroid 2012 TC4 during the night of 11/12 October 2017. At the time this was recorded, the estimated 10-20 m-diameter asteroid was approaching Earth. It made its closest approach at 07:41 CEST on 12 October, just 43 782 km away – much closer than the Moon and inside the orbit of some satellites.
This was captured by astronomers Peter Schlatter and Dominik Bodenmann working at the ZIMLAT telescope at the Swiss Optical Ground Station and Geodynamics Observatory operated by the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB).
Credit: AIUB
When is one finally going to catch an orbit and create a second moon.
Okay that was a close one. Well at least we’re still alive.
The average distance Earth – Moon is 384.400 km, how can this be closer then?
Edit: They corrected the description, it was 433 782 before.
video needs a WHOOOSH sound… =P me a fool….but tell me which speck is Earth??? N what are other specks???
Nice shooting stars 0:04 and 0:09 !
So ein Spiel hatte ich auch mal. Glaube Anfang der 80er. Hieß glaube ich Asteroids auf dem Atari…
(Bitte auch Humorvoll auffassen.)
I Think i had this game befor. Early 80s i think. Called Asteroids on the Atari system.
(Please, remember, this is humor.)
Looks like a retro video game millions of dollars in tax money which we the people pay for and this is the best footage we get I want my money back crappy but funny I’ll say that
What was the apparent magnitude?
Sure it wasn't just a tiny fly on your telescope?? ^^.
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