Earth from Space: Kilimanjaro
Earth from Space is presented by Kelsea Brennan-Wessels from the ESA Web-TV virtual studios. Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and the plains in southern Kenya are pictured in a false-colour image featured in the ninetieth edition.
See also to download the image.
Mount #Kilimanjaro in Tanzania features in this week's #Earthfromspace programme with Kelsea Brennan-Wessels.
Kilimanjaro is the best mountain of Africa . I have never climbed up ot it ;
have a nice weekend !
Very cool!
Quality data , information,science, experience, logistics, technology=logical explanations.
All contribute to improve quality of life and save lives 21 first century global culture selectivity.
Oh Kelsea, you are hotter than the heart of Africa.