EDRS-C SpaceDataHighway
Kourou, French Guiana, at Europe’s spaceport the EDRS-C satellite is being prepared for launch. Soon this second node of the European Data Relay system will join the EDRS-A node already in orbit, as the first dedicated EDRS satellite. EDRS has been designed to enable fast and reliable optical data transfer from low earth orbiting satellites to the ground. To achieve this the EDRS system uses state-of-the art laser link communication terminals and in combination with the longer data transmission offered EDRS, much more data can be transferred to the ground in Quasi Real Time, thus creating a real SpaceDataHighway
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I love how Brits add an "r" to words that come close not to ending in r.
Data in Europe is Datar.
This will help Earth-Space, Space to Space Data and Telecommunications in real-time.
Trying to bring Humanity closer than ever.
Hurry up and bring that them data speeds to the everyday consumer.
May faith be the guiding Light of our life
Ingegneria straordinaria! Il Dio che c'è nell'uomo!Grande ESA!Tank you!
Space elevator and orbital port , when??
Has there ever been an EDRS-B?
Launched successfully today !
Would 'Starlink' be viable competitor?
Since EDRS-A and EDRS-C are 20 degrees apart in the GEO plane, is ESA considering to launch another 17 satellites for global coverage?