Endeavour Ready to Go on This Week @NASA
April 29 is the official launch date for space shuttle Endeavour on STS-134. That announcement came at the conclusion of the mission’s Flight Readiness Review, where shuttle managers expressed satisfaction with the preparations for the program’s next-to-last flight. Launch is scheduled for 3:47 p.m. Eastern. Also, developing new ways to low-Earth orbit; putting the freeze on Webb’s mirror; Hubble turns 21; NASA’s Earth Day; soaring student rockets; do the Logo Motion; and Yuri’s Night at Langley.
@Hellstenen believe me, you will get bored. We are so incomprehensibly tiny compared to the scale of space and time, we will really find it difficult to comprehend the beauty and magnitude of things just by floating around in space randomly.
Congratulates NASA on Successful Launch !
the video started and I was like NO IT'S FRIDAY
But it's NASA, so it's all good.
i am so excited for the Endeavour launch! it's really bittersweet, though…I'm glad that it can launch again, but I'm sad that this is its last launch. We will miss you, Endeavour, and Godspeed on your final mission!
@Hellstenen but if you become a religious nutcase, you can think you are the centre of the universe!
10:08 -> Its the Magalhães?
it ryhmes with vomit