Europe’s next big rocket in a nutshell


Ariane 6 is the newest rocket in a series that has, for five decades, been launching Europe towards the stars. Building on all the knowledge, expertise and technology developed over the years, Ariane 6 will be versatile, modular, and European.

Guaranteeing Europe’s access to space for the next years, Ariane 6 in two versions, with either two or four boosters attached depending on the ‘oomph’ the mission requires. Versatile, its upper stage can reignite multiple times during a single flight, placing any spacecraft into any orbit – including constellations – saving a final boost to return and burn up in Earth’s atmosphere. Modular, it will be continuously adapted to the needs of the future space sector.

Four organisations take care of the Ariane 6 programme: ESA at the head, ArianeGroup as the main contractor, CNES who designed and built the launchpad and ArianeSpace who sell the launches.

13 countries contribute, thousands of Europeans have worked on it, and every one of us will benefit from the Earth observation, science, technologies and services it will make possible.

Credits: ESA – European Space Agency

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  1. Good but can we reuse those parts or is everything still single use? Since it wasn't mentioned I can guess the answer but I really expect a new modern rocket to have some amazing cost saving methods like either reuse, ease of production or using minimal custom parts. ESA doesn't need it's own version of the SLS. Hope this project does well but I also hope we try our best.

  2. Rocket isn’t reusable, what’s so great on this rocket. Engine isn’t full-flow staged combustion cycle engine and still uses hydrogen, ESA uses 1980’s technology and wants compete with the new startups, no change. they lost their game.

  3. I note the use of a narrator with an American accent. Was this deliberate, to slight the British? Nice rocket, I’m sure it’ll work well as per Ariane 5. The latter did a beautiful launch of the JWST. And yet the technology is already obsolete, and launch costs are high.

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