Exploring black holes with LISA and Athena
In this video, our scientists Paul McNamara and Matteo Guainazzi explain how we could combine the observing power of two of our future missions, LISA and Athena, to study these cosmic clashes and their mysterious aftermath for the first time.
LISA, the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, will be the first space-borne observatory of gravitational waves – fluctuations in the fabric of spacetime produced by the acceleration of cosmic objects with very strong gravity fields, like pairs of merging black holes. Athena, the Advanced Telescope for High-ENergy Astrophysics, will be the largest X-ray observatory ever built, investigating some of the hottest and most energetic phenomena in the cosmos with unprecedented accuracy and depth. Currently in the study phase, both missions are scheduled for launch in the early 2030s.
More information: A unique experiment to explore black holes
Copyright: ESA
Credits: Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration (black hole image); NASA, ESA and F. Summers, STScI (Hubble Ultra Deep Field flythrough and galaxy merger); Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes Project (gravitational waves and merging black holes); NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Centre (spiralling supermassive black holes); AEI/Milde Science Communication/exozet (LISA orbit sequence); ESA/Hubble, NASA, M. Kornmesser
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Awesome… May the mission goes well
Set up your detectors as vertices in/of tesseracts in space and you'll get the position of the gravitational stressor. It's just some more sets of satellites and LISA would be so much more capable.
OMG, This is so exiting!!!!!!
Estes 2 projectos são dois autocarros da linha do futuro não se atrasar!! Creio que há uma proporção numa determinação matemática inversa entre a largura do intervalo de in( certeza) e quem o projectou o determina põe no empreendimento em causa…Entre tantos buracos negros e galáxias o LISA e Athena …Os druidas cientistas numa poção fará efeito nuns pozinhos de perlimpimpim e arrancarmos um bom augúrio e nos surpreender com um oh!? Falta o lançamento…será a maravilha da época?? Aguardar por novidades!!
Dude casually says slightly bugger than the sun, proceeds to say x10-x20 bigger.
I know shits big in space but when someone casually says small objects that are far bigger than our sun as small it really puts stuff (space stuff) into perspective.
Thanks esa. I always dreamt of working with you, but i got very ill and cant keep my studies for the moment. Your video helps me stay sane, as I can still dream because of it.
For me the main problem of this theories is that the european society and american (north and south) too, are distracted by politicians and their polemics and we forguet the science and how to go fowars to create an advanced society who knows how to live in this wonderful planet in a sustainable but technically advanced way.
Amazing, wow!
Can you work for something for the couple 20 next 20 for earth
.. than tray to run
from it .. and your job for another planet there are somebody taking care of it relax we are for earth
ra 195.04910281617978
dec -1.2701322709799077
ra 148.11419661238412
dec -0.4929761236165755
ra 132.13338125847838
dec 32.33679827905543