Juice liftoff
Ariane 5 for flight VA260 carrying ESA’s Juice mission is seen here fully integrated and ready for rollout for its planned 13 April 2023 launch from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana.
Juice – JUpiter ICy Moons Explorer – is humankind’s next bold mission to the outer Solar System. After an eight-year journey to Jupiter, it will make detailed observations of the gas giant and its three large ocean-bearing moons: Ganymede, Callisto and Europa. This ambitious mission will characterise these moons with a powerful suite of remote sensing, geophysical and in situ instruments to discover more about these compelling destinations as potential habitats for past or present life. Juice will monitor Jupiter’s complex magnetic, radiation and plasma environment in depth and its interplay with the moons, studying the Jupiter system as an archetype for gas giant systems across the Universe.
Find out more about Juice in ESA’s launch kit: https://esamultimedia.esa.int/docs/science/Juice-LaunchKit.pdf
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Congratulations with successful launch! Blessings and best wishes to team of mission and ESA!
L''L'ESA fait un travail formidable, qui n'est pas assai médiatisé, par rapport à la Nasa, qui met 2 mois à envoyer des mannequins autour de la Lune.!!!!, sans compter les E. Musque, du genre :vous allez voir je que vous allez voir, et qui, 3 minutes, après le lancement…. Sans compter la destruction totale du pas de Tir.!!!!?
Une traduction renouvelée, en Français, please.