Replay: Cosmic Kiss news conference
Watch the full replay of ESA astronaut Matthias Maurer’s pre-launch news conference at ESA’s European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, Germany.
Held in both English and German on 9 September 2021, the conference covers ESA’s vision for human and robotic exploration as well as the science and operations Matthias will support on the International Space Station during his six-month Cosmic Kiss mission.
Cosmic Kiss is Matthias’s first space mission. He will be launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA as a member of US Commercial Crew-3 alongside @NASA astronauts Thomas Marshburn, Raja Chari and Kayla Barron.
While in orbit, Matthias will support over 35 European experiments and many more international experiments. He will also be the first European to perform a Russian spacewalk since Thomas Reiter in the 1990s. Knowledge gained through the Cosmic Kiss mission will shape the future of space exploration and help enhance life on Earth.
Conference panellists are: ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher, ESA Director of Human and Robotic Exploration David Parker, ESA International Space Station Programme Manager and Head of EAC Frank De Winne, Director General of @DLR and Member of the DLR Executive Board Walther Pelzer, and ESA Astronaut Matthias Maurer. This conference was moderated by ESA Communication Programme Officer for Human and Robotic Exploration Marco Trovatello.
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Could you please allow subtitles?
Is it cannot be in English, we can at least read the automatic translation.
Very sad you choosed German language for Europen presentation.
And also, No sound form 1:03 to 1:05 minutes.
I am so proud of Matthias, he trained for several years, always with a smile and incredible determination.
I can't wait to see it take off with the Crew 3, which will undoubtedly be spectacular.
Well done for this conference, you are awesome. 
Are they ok?
in subtitles in all in Portuguese or other European languages 

You guys know not everyone speak german right?
Excellent multi-lingual pre-launch of ESA's "Cosmic Kiss".
goodluck europe
Endlich mal etwas in Deutsch.
Sehr interessante Konferenz!! Danke für die tollen Details, Matthias

Cosmic Kiss will be awesome!!!