SpaceX Dragon Endeavour Splashdown in 4K
(No Audio) Raw footage of the 2:48 p.m. EDT, Sunday, Aug. 2, splashdown of SpaceX’s Crew Dragon Endeavour spacecraft in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Pensacola, Florida. NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley are aboard, returning from the International Space Station. Dragon’s parachutes slowed the spacecraft to a speed of about 15mph for splashdown.
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๐ด ุณุฑุนู ุงูุณูุงุฏ ุงุณุฑุน ู ู ุณุฑุนู ุงูุถูุก..!!
ูููู ุชุชููููู ุจูู ุงูู ุฌู ูุนุงุช ุงูู ูููู ู ู ุดู ูุณ ูููุงูุจ.. ุงูููู ุจุนุถ ุงููุตุงุฆุญ
ุณูุชู ุงูุชุดุงู ููููู ุฑุจุท ุฌุณู ู ุบูู ุจุงูุถูุก ุงูุงุณูุฏ..!! ุงููุงุชุฌ ุนู ุงููุฌุงุฑ ๐ฅ ุญูู ุงูุฌุณู ุงูุถูุก ุงูุงุณูุฏ ูุดุจู ุงูุฏุฎุงู ุดุฏูุฏ ุงูุณูุงุฏ ู ุนุชู ุนู ุงูู ุนุชุงุฏ..!! ูุชุชุดูู ูุฌูู ูุณุท ุงูุงููุฌุงุฑ ุจุฎูุงุต ูู ููุชุดููุง ุงูุนูู ููููู ููู ูุณุท ุงููุฌูู ููุทูู ุงูุฌุณู ุจุณุฑุนู ุงูุณูุงุฏ ุงูุชู
ุชุจูุบ ุงูู ุณุฑุนู ุงูุถูุก..!!
ุณูุชู ุชุญุฏูุฏ ููุงุท ูู ุฌู ูุนุชูุง ุงูุดู ุณูู ูุณุชููู ูุฐู ุจู ุซุงุจู ููุงุท ุงูุงูุทูุงู ุงู ุจุฏุงูู ุฎููุท ุชูุงูู
ุงูุฌุณู ุจุงูุณูู ุงูู ุณุงุฑุงุช ุฏุงุฎู ุงูู ุฌุฑู
ูููุงู ู ุณุงุฑุงุช ุจูู ุงูู ุฌู ูุนุงุช ุงูุดู ุณูู
ูุงูู ูุฒุงู ุงูุฎูุทู..!!
ุจุนุฏ ุงู ูุชู ุงูุชุดุงู ู ูุฒุงู ุงูุชูุงุฒู ุงููุฌู ู ูุงูู ุฌุฑู…
๐ด ุจุฏุงูู ูุซููุง ุงูุจุญูุซ ูุงูุงูุชุดุงูุงุช ุจู ุงููุฌุฏ ูุณุท ูู ุงููุฌุงุฑ ูุนุฏู ู ูุงุฏ ูุบุงุฒุงุช ๐ฅ ููุณุท ุงูุงููุฌุงุฑ ููุฌุฏ ุนุงูู ๐ ู ู ุงูู ุนููู ุงุช ูุงูุงูุชุดุงูุงุช ูู ุชูุดู ูุญุฏ ุงูุณุงุนู
ุงููุฑุจูู ูุงููุฏูุฑูุฌูู ูุชูุฌูุฑูุง ุฎุงุฑุฌ ูููุจ ุงูุงุฑุถ …
ุงุฎุฑุฌูุง ู ู ูููุนู ุงูุถูุก ุงูุงุจูุถ ุงูู ุงูุถูุก ุงูุงุณูุฏ..!!
๐ด ุงู ุณููุง ุณูู ุฎููุท ุงูุงููุฌุงุฑ ูุงูุชูุณุน..!!
๐ฅูุงู ู ุนูู ูุฐุงุจ ุณุงู ุฎุฑูุฌ ุนููู ุงููุชุงุจ ู ู ูููู ุงูุฌู.
Im looking for you so press the like to call me
Hi nasa i wan't to work there and learn what's inside in a space station
As a headbanger i need a job and they hostage me in Las Vegas to torture me without a job! So i can commit suicide and I have a therapy dog and that dog was hand crafted by the Police Department!
Jolie pour le parcours de fuze
Stream dynamite
Agencia reptil ๐๐๐
Flying in sky
Congratulations for bullshite WTF
I'm a little late here but cundgrats nasa and SpaceX ya'll have been working a lot and made this amazing vehicle its amazing cungrats!
A terra.รฉ plana