Tag: space

Paxi – Rosetta y komety

Paxi – Rosetta y komety

Paxi – Sonnensystem

Paxi – Sonnensystem

Kim jest Paxi?

Kim jest Paxi?

Paxi – Rosetta a komety

Paxi – Rosetta a komety

Paxi – Sluneční soustava

Paxi – Sluneční soustava

Paxi – Rosetta şi cometele

Paxi – Rosetta şi cometele

Paxi – Sistemul Solar

Paxi – Sistemul Solar

Cine este Paxi?

Cine este Paxi?

Space Station 360: Kibo

Space Station 360: Kibo

Space Station 360: Columbus

Space Station 360: Columbus

Principia: the mission so far

Principia: the mission so far

Space Station 360: Destiny

Space Station 360: Destiny

Space Station 360: Zvezda

Space Station 360: Zvezda

Gyroscopes in space

Gyroscopes in space

On the shoulders of giants

On the shoulders of giants

Space Station 360: Zarya

Space Station 360: Zarya

Space scrambled eggs

Space scrambled eggs

Tim Peake’s space shower

Tim Peake’s space shower

Space debris story (2013)

Space debris story (2013)

NASA Reaches New Heights in 2015

NASA Reaches New Heights in 2015

ESA Euronews: Space for Earth

ESA Euronews: Space for Earth

Space Rocks

Space Rocks

Real-Life Robots

Real-Life Robots

Making space work for you

Making space work for you