Time-lapse of Earth from the Space Station, from Africa to Russia
On 12 September 2017, 710 photos were taken by ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli to create this time-lapse of the Earth (from Africa to Russia) as seen from the International Space Station.
ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli in currently working and living aboard the Station as part of his long duration Vita mission.
Follow the VITA mission: http://blogs.esa.int/VITAmission/
Connect with Paolo via http://paolonespoli.esa.int
awesome. I love this time lapse from iss. Awesome to see the storms.
that solar panel makes funny effect on aurora borealis
The beauty is just undescribable.
Can you upload more of this ? Please!
When is the ESA astronaut selection process? I just finished watching Do You Have What It Takes To Be An Astronaut because ever since i was a kid i wanted to be an astronaut and this show really motivated me!
Why these images are digital????
Who don't the clouds move?
Imagine it spot UFOs?