Battle of the Field of Blood, 1119 AD
The Crusades
(a.k.a. Battle of Ager Sanguinis)
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The Battle of the Field of Blood and the broader struggle for Aleppo was an intensely complex affair, drawing in many factions—Frankish, Turkish, Armenian, Arab, and Byzantine. Like so many of the Crusader States’ wars, it was rarely a simple matter of Christians versus Muslims.
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Narrated by David McCallion
Research and Writing by Dr. Byron Waldron
Music, courtesy of EpidemicSound
The Field of Blood: The Battle for Aleppo and the Remaking of the Medieval Middle East – Nicholas Morton (2018)
The Crusaders in the East: A Brief History of the Wars of Islam with the Latins in Syria During the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries – William Barron Stevenson (1907)
#crusades #seljuks #jerusalem
"Our lord fell off his horse. Time for all of us to take him to the tower." Crusaders totally could have won with the hammer and anvil.
Funny how Aleppo was a powerful city in the past then got absolutely destroyed in the Syrian conflict in 2013 when modern weapons were used… crazy to think
Great videos

Please make video about Georgian kingdom in XI-XII centuries and about king David IV The Builder and greatest battle of Didgori where Georgia leading king David IV defeated Seljuks by head of Ilgaz in 1121year !!!!
That third line could do better doing some flanking I guess not joining the crowd and lost the charge effect.
Hi HM will you at some point cover some more from Scandinavia?? Conquest of the baltic and nothern germany. Or maybe some of the raids on Paris. Og even the settling in sicily
should have listened to the woman
I would hate to be assassinated with a dagger in my eyes!
1:39 "And it seriously changed my pocket situation" LOL, Nice choice of words
I like how people would just die of whatever disease regardless of how smart capable or affluent they were, oh the middle ages how I miss you !!
after watching, I really don't read as much as I thought I do, I used to consider myself a history buff, not anymore !!
So close for the crusaders… but I always thought that the crusaders had a really bad problem of centralised command and structure. Why Rainald forces didn't charge? Surely their veteran Captains and Knights could have lead the charge, but I think that they were more concern about who will pay their wages than who would win that battle. But again I think this was a mayor issue for all kingdoms/armies and polities in the middle ages. It's a pity in terms of tactic and strategy that in the moment of breakthrough the franks fail to exploit the situation.